Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Forum Cultural Immersion Project

Forum Cultural Immersion Project

Q After you have answered the questions for the Cultural Immersion Project – Part 1 Paper, you will share about it in this forum. Discuss with your group some of the most interesting things you found in your reading and Internet/media search. Also, describe any challenges you anticipate for the remainder of the project (Parts 2 and 3). Do not attach your paper.

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The cultural immersion project is surely a very interesting one because it is about a completely different culture which I did not know much about. Buddhism is the topic I have chosen the internet resources where the there are stories regarding the origin of the religion and culture. The fables were interesting and gradually it also demonstrated how differences between the disciples were such that things led to divisions in the culture. The people have differences in the culture as well as share several values. The religion is based on its strict values and principles for life.